Admission Application & Reactivation

Application For Admission

All persons interested in applying for admission to the university should complete an application which must be accompanied by a non-refundable required registration fee of $500.00 (check, money order, or credit card) to process the application. The check or money order should be made payable to Birchwood University.

Applicants must submit all required application documents to be considered for admission. Once a decision is made, an email will be sent to the candidate with further instructions. Candidates will be contacted by their admissions agent regularly to ensure that all completed documents are received by the office.

General Admission Requirements

  • Copy of a valid government-issued photo identification.
  • Copy of an updated resume.
  • Any document not in English must be accompanied by a certified translated copy.
  • Other relevant documents as required for the program.


Students are required to register for classes either through email or in person, the registration period is listed on the academic calendar.

An individual who has been accepted for admission, but who has not attended any courses, will have their original application and fee active for one (1) year from the term in which the individual was first accepted. In situations longer than one (1) year the application process must be started again with a new application and fee paid.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from FLISM and to receive a degree, the students must:

  • Complete all credits as stated in the catalogue.
  • Meet satisfactory academic progress.
  • Fulfill all financial obligations.


Credentials Awarded

Credits Required
Credentials Awarded
Data Science
Master of Science
Cyber Security
Master of Science
Business Administration
Master of Business Administration

Definition of A Unit of Credit -

The Florida Institute of Science and Management follows the Carnegie unit calculation method for awarding course credit. For example, we calculate 1 credit hour as equivalent to 15 theory hours.

To that end, our courses are typically 3-credit courses and will require 45 hours of total instruction. Additionally, students must be prepared to complete assignments, research, and other course-related activities.

Transfer of Credits -

Transfer applicants must meet all the admission requirements of The Florida Institute of Science and Management. The institute’s transfer policy is designed to recognize previously earned credits. Individuals who have earned credit at other institutions are encouraged to find out which courses may apply. Students may qualify to use up to 18 credits earned elsewhere towards FLISM. Speak to your admissions agent for details.

The Florida Institute of Science and Management will evaluate transfer credit from other institutions on a course-by-course basis. Transferability of credits is based on similar content and course objectives. Qualified credits will only be accepted if the grade earned was at least a “B”. Transfer of credit is at the discretion of The Florida Institute of Science and Management. Transfer of Credits from The Florida Institute of Science and Management to another university is at the discretion of the receiving institution, it is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether credits will be accepted by another institution of their choice.

The Florida Institute of Science and Management does not grant credits for work experience or by examination.

Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act (FERPA) -

Federal and State laws restrict the release of confidential student records and information. Students have a right to inspect their educational records and are protected from the release of information without their written consent, except for subpoenaed requests from courts with appropriate jurisdiction. Students must make written requests for transcripts and other academic information. Requests by unauthorized third parties and telephone requests will not be honored.

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